Thursday, October 23, 2008


Here is the little class blurb that Joyce wrote this afternoon, and I (Zack) loosely edited. The image included is also the potential graphic for the show but can be changed at a later time if need be.

This thing needs to be sent over to the PR department by 5pm tomorrow so we need some speedy responses. Is it too short? Should we include anything else? Exclude anything? Tell us what you think!

Blogger was having hiccups earlier and I was having trouble posting this. Sorry for the delay...Hope to hear from everyone soon.

“You Are Here. Christer is There.”
Wandering: Psychogeographical Explorations of Space and Place Class Exhibition
December 3 - 10, 2008 in Middendorf Gallery (Station Building)
Maryland Institute College of Art
Opening Reception: Wednesday, 4-7pm

Psychogeography, coined by the Situationists Guy DeBord and Asger Jorn, maps the mind onto the terrain, and the terrain onto the mind. Join Eve LaramĂ©e's upper-level Interdisciplinary Sculpture and Graduate level class to wander and drift through explorations of actual geographic places, represented psychological spaces, and “lived” or “other” thirdspace.

Saunter into the Middendorf Gallery via a “visionary crosswalk;” sit in a moment of meditative silence; race a runner on the “TreadMeal;” investigate homes in the wilderness, city, internet, inside, and outside. Come see our creations of the derivĂ©.

Wander with us online too:

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