Wednesday, November 5, 2008

} { along the commingled paths of the world and books. . .

"Don Quixote is not a man given to extravagance, but rather a diligent pilgrim breaking his journey before all the marks of similitude. He is the hero of the Same. He never manages to escape from the familiar plain stretching out on all sides of the Analogue, any more than he does from his own small province. He travels endlessly over that plain, without ever crossing the clearly defined frontiers of difference, or reaching the heart of identity."

"He believed himself to be progressing, from similitude to similitude, along the commingled paths of the world and books but was in fact getting more and more entangled in the labyrinth of his own representations. " 

 - michel foucault, 1966, 46, 210). . . from "the order of things; an archaeology of the human sciences"  -

( one of the best Foucault bks ) 

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